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  • Writer's pictureFieldston Sports Bulletin

Player Spotlight - Zoe Kava

Updated: Oct 29, 2019

- Julian Seinfeld

Q: How long have you played tennis for?

“I've been playing tennis for ten years, so for almost my full life.”

Q: What’s your favorite part of being on GVT?

“I love having such great teammates. Tennis can be very lonely at times, so having teammates to support and spend time with is great.”

Q: As a senior, do you feel you feel like there is natural stress on you to be a leader?

“No, not at all. We have such great girls on the team that everyone works hard and steps up.”

Q: What do you think the biggest strengths that  the team has?

“We’ve worked a lot on setting up points and looking to take control. We are always working hard, which is clear in our results.”

What is something that the team needs to improve on?

“I think that at times we get in a negative mindset when we are down. Mentality is key in tennis, and staying mentally strong is crucial.” 

Q: Do you think dinners and outside of school events have helped you all develop more chemistry as a team?

“Definitely. We have all become extremely close. We try and hang out as much as we can.”
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