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  • Writer's pictureFieldston Sports Bulletin

Player Spotlight - Matt Lopez Balboa

- Benjamin Blauner and Julian Seinfeld

Q. How long have you been playing hockey?

Truthfully, this is my second year playing hockey.

Q. What year did you join the team?

I joined the team in the middle of last year’s season because of a concussion. I believe the year was 2019.

Q. What’s your favorite part about being on the team?

The coaches- Kirk, Keith, and Russ really come to mind- they’re phenomenal coaches that will help players of any skill level in a positive manner. Hockey really allowed me to get a good group of friends at Fieldston— it definitely changed my overall Fieldston experience. Though a lot of the vibe is gone with last year’s seniors, we still maintain an intimate team dynamic. Other than these great relationships and experiences with others, I would say that my favorite part of being on this team has been seeing how I have been able to improve my game alongside teammates.

Q. Does the team participate in any outside activities together in order to improve chemistry?

So far, not really. Though we’d like to, our team has quite the age range, so it’s hard to get something coordinated. Outside activities thus far have solely included greetings in the hallways. We have some plans for further bonding.

Q. Are you playing other sports for Fieldston besides hockey?

I would’ve played soccer, but Gene and I had some disagreements. Other than hockey, I may play lacrosse like last year, also as a goalie. I had a verbal agreement with Danny Hoehler that I would play lacrosse. I suppose I’m going to have to stay true to my word and play lacrosse. Big golf guy though.

Q. What stresses come with playing on the hockey team?

There was a lot of stress at the beginning of the season that the team simply wouldn’t function- with skill level, age, etc. There is a constant larger stress to deliver results in order to be at the top of our league and win the
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