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Off Season Athletes

Updated: Oct 29, 2019

- William Camp

Throughout the year Fieldston athletes are training for their respective sports. Every athlete seems to have a different approach to off-season training. Whether it be playing another sport, building muscle, or year round practices, our athletes are getting back in the flow of things, and gearing up for the seasons ahead. Varsity baseball player, Ben Blauner, is participating in PM fitness this fall season. He is working on building muscle and increasing his cardio endurance to prepare for the upcoming baseball season. Blauner had this to say,

“Although it’s not baseball season. OTF is always putting in that work. We got a big year ahead of us and I’m just trying to improve so I can help push the team toward the chip.”

We all look forward to seeing Blauner on the field this baseball season! Tony Lumer, Varsity Lacrosse goalie, is currently playing Varsity Soccer in preparation for the upcoming season. After a disappointing season last year and their coach not returning, the Lacrosse team has already started to prepare for the season. They are currently practicing as a team on Sundays and plan to practice even more during the Winter. Tony had this to say,

“After a disappointing season last year and our coach not returning, we are working over the fall and winter seasons to prepare for this upcoming season. In the winter, we are going to play much more on the weekends just like last year so that we can build camaraderie and become a stronger unit. As someone who is playing a fall sport, I’m using this to boost my athleticism and to help my background of being prone to injuries by playing soccer this fall.”

As the fall season winds down, the athletes are attempting to capitalize on the last few weeks of an open gym. As we can see, PM Fitness seems to be the epicenter of the Varsity player’s preparation and rehabilitation. 

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