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  • Writer's pictureFieldston Sports Bulletin

Girls Varsity Soccer Write-Up

- Lexi Madsen

On Saturday, October 22, GVS went to Riverdale to play at their homecoming. Seeing that they won 1-0 at our homecoming, we desperately wanted beat them. Although it was a well fought game, it unfortunately ended in a 4-0 loss for Fieldston. After the weekend was over, GVS faced more tough competition on Monday, with Hackley coming to play us. The last time we played Hackley, the game ended in a 1-1 tie after going into overtime. We went into the game needing to win as it would be important for us to have a chance of qualifying for playoffs. The first half was slow, but the game quickly picked up at the start of the second half. About midway through the first half, Freshman Caroline Ciagne headed the ball into the goal off a free kick. This put the score at 1-0 Fieldston. About 2 minutes later, Caroline Ciagne scored again! A little later in the game, Hackley scored off a corner making the score 2-1. With about 5 minutes left in the game, Hackley got a break away that would have resulted in a goal, but our goalie, Marie Goldfarb (senior) was able to clear the ball, essentially saving the game for Fieldston. On Wednesday, we played Poly Prep, ranked number one in the Ivy League. GVS was up 3-2 for a little while, but unfortunately Hackley was able to capitalize on some of their opportunities and won the game 5-3. Although the game ended in a loss, Fieldston made some amazing plays with Senior Lily Steele placing the ball in the goal from her corner, senior Marie Goldfarb saving a PK, and sophomore Sophia Hoehler scoring from the top right corner of the field. GVS currently stands at 4th in the Ivy League and has finished with league games. We are ranked 5th out of 12 teams in the playoffs with our first match against Little Red scheduled for Monday October 28th.

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