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  • Writer's pictureFieldston Sports Bulletin

Football Write-Up

Updated: Oct 29, 2019

- Josh Sacca

The Eagles looked to end their three-game losing streak with a matchup against the Poly Prep Blue Devils on Saturday. The game started rough for Fieldston, as Poly Prep jumped out to an early 21-0 lead. However, things were looking up for the Eagles after a fumble recovery by Jaden Mena (freshman) and a 40-yard pass from quarterback Jake Horowitz (junior) to tight end Jake Diamond (senior) that put them inside Poly Prep’s ten-yard line. Later in that drive, fullback Josh Thomas (junior) punched in Fieldston’s only score of the day with a five-yard run. After a defensive stop, the Eagles headed into halftime trailing 21-7. Although they fought hard in the second half and had a few impressive defensive stops deep in their own territory, Fieldston conceded two more touchdowns for a final score of 35-7 in the favor of the Blue Devils. The Eagles close out the regular season next Saturday at Riverdale at 2:30 pm.

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